Hosted Server Anti Spam Filter for Exchange Server
Our clients are more than convinced of the high quality of our Anti Spam Filter, as well as the ease of implementation and excellent proactive and reactive Technical Support.
Why protect your e-mail? Transparent Anti Spam Filter and Smart Host for Exchange
We offer full transparency, no obligations and no strings attached. Try our effective Exchange Server Anti Spam Filtering service, including the Smarthost (SMTP Relay) if your e-mails are being blocked by DNSBL lists, absolutely FREE for 30 days. Don't worry, after filling the contact form we will call you to assess your situation and coordinate the necessary steps.
Take into account that all the configuration process is guided, therefore you will not be alone, and all the modifications of your Exchange Server, or any other SMTP server, will be transparent to its users and customers, without service interruptions. As an example, an Anti Spam solution for a Microsoft Exchange Server is configured in one hour, including the antispam rules, and of course, the Smarthost if your network is being blocked by DNSBL lists, all this without service interruption.
As information, our service is 100% compatible with the following SMTP mail servers:
- Microsoft Exchange Server 2000 - 2003 - 2007 - 2010
- Novell Groupwise
- Lotus Notes
- Mail Enable
- Merak Email Server
- Kerio Mail Server
- Linux Send Mail
- Any other server 100% compatible with RFC for SMTP Servers
Steps to follow in order to try out or Anti Spam Filter:
Contact Iberwall and you could say "No more Spam!"